Ascent Advice Line

Call Freephone 0808 801 0660 or email us on [email protected]

Open Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm and from 6pm-9pm on Wednesdays.

Immediate, free and confidential information, advice, advocacy and support for women and girls (14 years+) affected by any form of gendered violence and abuse. The Advice Line is also open to professionals who need support on cases related to gendered violence.

When you call us, we will explore your needs with you, give you information about your options and support you to make informed choices.

You can call us for advice on a whole range of issues, such as emotional wellbeing and mental health, problems with housing, managing finances and benefits, your personal safety and concerns about your children.

We can also link you in with other services such as specialist practical and advocacy support, counselling, group work, refuge accommodation and legal advice/solicitors.

Advice Hub Callback Request Form

Please complete the form if you would like to be contacted by the WGN Advice hub for one-off support. Once each form is reviewed and accepted, we will aim to contact you within 2 working days for a one-off advice call. We have capacity to make two attempts at contact at agreed safe times. Each attempt at calling will be from a private number. Please note; We are not an emergency service, if you are in immediate danger please contact the police on 999.

If you miss our call-backs, and would still like to speak with us, you can call in on 0808 801 0660 Mon- Fri 10am-4pm and Weds evenings 6pm-9pm. Alternatively you can email [email protected] or come through to us on webchat during our opening hours on our website;

Client Consent

Please be aware that the advice hub will not accept a callback request without consent agreed.
I understand you may be worried about what information you share. Our service is confidential, and your information will not be shared without your permission, unless we have concerns that you or somebody else is at significant risk of harm. This could include but is not limited to; The police, social services, Mental health services or your GP. We keep a log of the information and support we discussed with you today on our secure database, this will help us to better support you if you contact us again. However, if you would like for this information to not be kept on file we can delete this after.

If you would like to read more about our privacy policy please follow this link. Please note; you have a right to complain or feedback about our service and are able to do so by contacting [email protected].

WGN Advice Hub Callback Request Form

About you

Please Write “anonymous” if you don’t wish to share your identity at this stage
If Yes, please state which language
If you do not reside in a borough covered by WGN we won’t be able to offer a call back. However we will signpost you to your local support services.

Your safety

Including phone, communication apps, laptop or email address?
If yes, please share further detail.

Which are safe ways to contact you?

Using your phone number above.
Using your phone number above.
Using your phone number above.
To the email address you provided above.
Please outline any safety considerations e.g. if you live with somebody who makes you feel unsafe/ if certain contact methods are unsafe/ safety words you’d like us to use. Detail in this section what availability you have to speak Monday - Fridays between 10am - 4pm with clear 2 hours windows (10am - 12pm/2pm - 4pm etc.)



Please find translations of our information leaflet below:


0808 801 0660

Opening hours

Open Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm and from 6pm-9pm on Wednesdays.


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