Tag: Information


Here are the answers to some of our most commonly asked questions:…

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Upcoming training and consultancy

We are passionate about delivering training that influences best practice and enhances the effectiveness of front-line professionals working in the field of violence against women and girls. Most of our training courses are funded and commissioned by our partners and are free to delegates. Update during Covid-19 Due to the coronavirus pandemic, all of our training courses…

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We believe that violence against women and girls is not an individual act. The use or threat of gendered violence, and it’s social acceptability, results in the systematic oppression of all women. By learning more about the context of violence against women and girls, and by taking action, we can collectively change the acceptability and pervasiveness of gendered violence….

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Myth busting

Part of our work at Women and Girls Network is to challenge common myths about violence against women, and promote the facts about gendered violence. We do this in our everyday work with clients and agencies, and also through our training and prevention programmes in schools. Below we have gathered some of the most common…

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Self care

“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.” – Audre Lorde Within the Black feminist and civil rights movement self-care was a means of reclaiming bodily autonomy from a racist and sexist medical establishment and institutions, where most professionals were white, male and middle class, and…

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Some of the words we use aren’t commonly used outside of the type of work that we do, that’s why we have created this glossary. Click on the words below to find out their definitions….

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