Our impact

Ascent Advice Line

Statistics from 2019

We supported 2484 survivors of VAWG (calls were from survivors/ friend & family/ professionals)

95% of survivors reported they felt more informed about the options and support available to them.

97% of survivors who identified as BAMER stated they felt understood and their needs met by the support provided.

95% of survivors who identified as having a disability stated they felt understood and their needs met by the support provided.

93% of survivors who identified as LGBTQI+ stated they felt understood and their needs met by the support provided.

95% of survivors aged 25 yrs and under stated they felt understood and their needs met by the support provided.

Sexual Violence Helpline

Statistics from 2019

We supported 2118 survivors of sexual violence (calls were from survivors/ friend & family/ professionals)

91% of survivors reported feeling better after speaking to us.

90% of survivors reported they felt more informed about the options and support available to them.

96% of survivors who identified as BAMER stated they felt understood and their needs met by the support provided.

94% of survivors who identified as having a disability stated they felt understood and their needs met by the support provided.

CouRAGEus partnership project 

Information from 2020 (first quarter)

In it’s first quater, the CouRAGEus partnership project (a new pan-London service for young women aged 14-24 facing intersectional and multiple disadvantage) received 78 Referrals and supported 51 young women. The project provides advocacy, therapy and community engagement interventions.


Information from April 2019 – March 2020

WGN’s Training Team delivered training to 310 people (Due to COVID-19 108 people have been unable to attend scheduled training)

We delivered a total of 192 hours of training, over 32 days.

ISVA Service

I am ever so grateful for being put in contact with WGN and my advocate, she listened and digested everything that I had been through, not only from the assault itself but also the massive impact the aftermath had on my physical and mental health. The centre has an amazing work ethic and network that they are able to reach out to, they have communicated effectively, on time and are straight forward. I was never given any false hopes and along the way, I was continually kept in the loop and felt supported.

Sometimes everyone needs a professional who believes and actually helps as much as they can. My case was not with the satisfactory ending, but at least I know that together we did as much as we can and I truly appreciate the help and support I have received.

Indigo Project

Information from 2019 – 2020

We received 64 referrals – an increase of 5/month compared with 4/month the previous year

We held 228 face to face appointments (compared with 98 previous year), 67 accompaniments to appointments, 1704 email/telephone calls or interventions with clients (significant as our client group sometimes find it difficult to attend face to face appointments)

182 outreach calls/email and 18 meetings, including participation in new Pan-London Women’s Homelessness Forum and Action Learning Set on CSE, prostitution and trafficking

We held a new advisory group with 6 women having completed formal training, two external consultations and several internal consultations such as on the website, EBE policy and in the design of the Indigo flyer

Service has been very patient and non-judgemental

This is a really empowering space, I feel really held and supported

I’m so excited and happy that an organisation is investing so much in making sure that the people who use the service can steer it

London Survivors Gateway

Between 1st April 2019 and 14th February 2020 the Gateway had 2198 survivors through the service.

The person I spoke to on the phone was amazing and made me feel very comfortable when speaking about my story. I came off the phone feeling a bit happier and relieved and ready to embark on my next step to recovery.